COBRA Enrollment
Your employer must notify the Fund of your termination from employment, reduction in hours or your death (a qualifying event).
Once the Fund receives this information, an election form and notice of your Continuation Coverage rights will be mailed to the address on file with the Fund. It is your responsibility to maintain an accurate address on file with the Fund. Address changes are made through your Benefits Department.
You must complete an election form within 60 days of the qualifying event that would cause the loss of your coverage. If you do not elect COBRA within this deadline, your benefits will end.
You, your spouse or your dependent children must notify the Fund in the event of a divorce, remarriage or change in dependent status.
Once notified, the Fund will send a notice asking your spouse and/or your dependent children if they wish to purchase Continuation Coverage.
If the Fund is not notified within 60 days of the date on which coverage would terminate as a result of the qualifying event, your spouse and dependent children will lose their Continuation Coverage eligibility.